Remotely Upgrade SmartOS


This document explains how to remotely upgrade a SmartOS server using Jakob Borgʼs smartos-platform-upgrade script.


This how-to requires that you have SSH access to the global zone of a SmartOS server and that the SmartOS server can download a script from GitHub and an updated SmartOS system image from Joyent.


First we will install the smartos-platform-upgrade script. Then we will run the script to upgrade SmartOS.

Install smartos-platform-upgrade

SmartOS boots from a USB stick. Most files in the global zone files are ephemeral. In order to install any script, it must be stored in a location which is preserved on the USB stick. As suggested by the projectʼs file, weʼll install it in /opt/local/bin.

SmartOS is missing a store of certificate authorities in the Global Zone. Specifically, the Certificate Authority used by GitHub, the DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA, is not trusted in the SmartOS Global Zone.

You can fix that by copying and pasting from your browser:


Weʼre going to save this as /root/digicert-ha-ev-root.pem.

Alternately, you can download it:

curl -skL | openssl x509 -inform der -out /root/digicert-ha-ev-root.pem

Itʼs always a good idea to verify the signature. DigiCert says that the fingerprints are D4:74:DE:57:5C:39:B2:D3:9C:85:83:C5:C0:65:49:8A (MD5) and 5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25 (SHA-1):

# openssl x509 -in digicert-ha-ev-root.pem -noout -fingerprint -md5 | grep D4:74:DE:57:5C:39:B2:D3:9C:85:83:C5:C0:65:49:8A > /dev/null && echo Matched MD5. || echo MD5 did not match.
Matched MD5.
# openssl x509 -in digicert-ha-ev-root.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha1 | grep 5F:B7:EE:06:33:E2:59:DB:AD:0C:4C:9A:E6:D3:8F:1A:61:C7:DC:25 > /dev/null && echo Matched SHA-1. || echo SHA-1 did not match.
Matched SHA-1.

Finally, I note that the SHA-256 fingerprint of the authentic certificate is 74:31:E5:F4:C3:C1:CE:46:90:77:4F:0B:61:E0:54:40:88:3B:A9:A0:1E:D0:0B:A6:AB:D7:80:6E:D3:B1:18:CF:

# openssl x509 -in digicert-ha-ev-root.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha256
SHA256 Fingerprint=74:31:E5:F4:C3:C1:CE:46:90:77:4F:0B:61:E0:54:40:88:3B:A9:A0:1E:D0:0B:A6:AB:D7:80:6E:D3:B1:18:CF

This matches the SHA-256 fingerprint from my browserʼs certificate store.

Now, we can download the platform-upgrade script from GitHub and make the script executable:

[root@smartos ~]# mkdir -p /opt/local/bin
[root@smartos ~]# curl --cacert /root/digicert-ha-ev-root.pem -L > /opt/local/bin/platform-upgrade
[root@smartos ~]# chmod 755 /opt/local/bin/platform-upgrade

Upgrade SmartOS

At this point, you should read the script to understand how it works. (As of July 2016, it is 158 lines of BASH.) When you are satisfied that you understand the script, run it to upgrade your SmartOS installation:

[root@smartos ~]# platform-upgrade
Downloading latest platform (platform-20170202T040152Z.tgz)... OK
Verifying checksum... OK
Extracting latest platform... OK
Marking release version... OK
Checking current boot device... detected c0t0d0, mounted, OK
Updating platform on boot device... OK
Remounting boot device... OK
Verifying kernel checksum on boot device... OK
Verifying boot_archive checksum on boot device... OK
Activating new platform on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p1... OK

Boot device upgraded. To do:

 1) Sanity check the contents of /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb
 2) umount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p1
 3) reboot
[root@smartos ~]#

You should do a sanity check before you reboot. The usb and platform directories should look something like this:

[root@smartos ~]# cd /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb/
[root@smartos /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb]# ls -al
total 4622
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        1024 Feb  7 05:15 .
drwx------   4 root     root         699 Feb  7 05:15 ..
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root     root     2359350 Aug  2  2016 160802082402.bmp
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root         512 Jun  9  2016 boot
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root         512 Feb  7 05:15 old
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root         512 Feb  7 05:14 platform
[root@smartos /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb]# cd platform/
[root@smartos /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb/platform]# ls -al
total 6
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root         512 Feb  7 05:14 .
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        1024 Feb  7 05:15 ..
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root         512 Feb  7 05:14 i86pc
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          17 Feb  2 06:11 root.password
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          17 Feb  7 05:13 version

Then you should unmount the USB partition and reboot:

[root@smartos /tmp/tmp.dVaUJe/usb/platform]# cd
[root@smartos ~]# umount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p1
[root@smartos ~]# reboot
reboot: Halting 9 zones.

If everything went well, your SmartOS system will be running the latest version. You can check with uname -a:

[root@smartos ~]# uname -a
SunOS smartos 5.11 joyent_20170202T040152Z i86pc i386 i86pc